Testimonials - Claudioreef

TRITON tank from Claudioreef

"Very satisfied. High-quality products with great support."

1. Which products/systems were you using before TRITON? From the beginning, I knew I would use TRITON. I wasn’t convinced by multi-trace products and wanted more precision. 2. What were the problems or challenges? Maintaining nutrients was a challenge until I was able to calculate my consumption with NDOC. 3. How did you learn about TRITON? Here in Spain, we have Coral Supplies, the official distributor. We have regular discussions and follow-ups through video conferences about our reefs. 4. Which products do you use regularly? Core7, Biobase, STN-X, Al99, DI Resin, Element Mix, ICP, NDOC. 5. How have the products improved the overall results? My results have always been very good—excellent coloration and maximum growth, accompanied by careful monitoring of parameters and constant stability. 6. How satisfied are you with TRITON? Very satisfied. High-quality products with great support, including the online calculator. 7. Would you recommend TRITON to others? I always recommend TRITON, both to beginners and to my social media followers who ask me about the TRITON method. 8. Which three words best describe what TRITON does for you? Stability, convenience, economy. Go back to list